Mandy Williams
Tauranga based artist, Mandy Williams has shared her passion for art and children by creating commissioned pieces for families and original works for the past 15 years. Whilst her commissioned style is always gently evolving, she also enjoys creating original pieces that she can push the boundaries with - constantly evolving through learning to work with different mediums and techniques. Creating different bodies of work. Her “Indulge” series, combines her passion of interior design with children and painting. This series is based on children and their pets, capturing the hum of youthful wonder and unexpected friendships. Indulging in layers of acrylics, ornate wallpapers, and 22crt gold foiling. Hoping to inspire people to have the confidence to play with their own interiors, matching & experimenting with wallpapers/fabrics to complete the look in their homes with anything from cushions, curtains to wallpaper. More recently she is developing a series of works on round boards, with beautiful portraits. Enjoying the flow and blend ability that oil paints offer, allowing for a more refined finish on the skin tones. While playing with positive and negative shapes.